The Institute for a Free Europe (IFE) intends to implement an ambitious programme. We are committed to the principle of European integration based on national sovereignty, we stand for freedom, we reject the idea of a United States of Europe and we agree with Hungary’s Fundamental Law, which states that European cooperation is based on the independence of the Member States, in which sovereignty is not renounced by nations for the benefit of the Union, but exercised jointly through the common institutions.
Nowadays political forces that follow the concept of a Europe of nations today are accused of wanting to dissolve the Union, or at least to get their own country out of it, which is a lie. What we affirm is that what the federalists have been denying incessantly since Fouchet is indeed possible: a common Europe based on nations.
Some of our major programmes that we will launch in the near future:
– working out an autonomous concept of Europe; since the French Fouchet Plan inspired by President De Gaulle in the 1960s, there has not been a detailed programme for the Union on the basis of national sovereignty, and we want to fill this gap; the plan will also respond to the proposal for reform of the Union drafted last year by Franco-German academics
– the development of a complex index of sovereignty for the Member States of the European Union, suitable for comparison, and the regular, recurrent assessment of these countries in terms of the exercise of their sovereignty and the threats to it
– the drafting of a Charter of the Rights of Nations; at present, the only charter in the Union’s statutes is a charter of persons and the lack of such is the source of many imbalances and dysfunctions in the functioning of the Union.